NOCTI Security and Testing Agreement

As the national leader in CTE credentialing solutions and resources, we welcome you to our NOCTI community.  There is no cost to become a NOCTI customer and no annual fee for using our products and services. This agreement requires two electronic signatures, one of the designated Site Coordinator and the other of an administrator authorizing the individual to serve as Site Coordinator.  An email verification step for the individuals listed on the agreement is incorporated to support the electronic signature process.  Upon receipt of an accurately completed Security and Testing Agreement (STA), the designated Site Coordinator will receive a welcome email from the NOCTI Customer Care Team with account details and instructions to access a secure, online Client Services Center for managing the testing program and placing orders.

Designate a Site Coordinator

A Site Coordinator must be designated to serve as the primary contact for NOCTI. This individual should be in an administrative and decision-making position, including being able to enter into agreements such as this agreement with NOCTI.  Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • - Principal
  • - Assistant Principal
  • - CTE Coordinator
  • - Counselor
  • - Director
  • - Dean
  • - Testing Coordinator

Examples of key Site Coordinator responsibilities include:

  • - Assuring all involved in the NOCTI program are aware of and abide by NOCTI policy and guidelines.
  • - Providing instructional staff with resources, information, test data, and access to the Teacher Resource Center (as applicable).
  • - Selecting/approving proctors and evaluators according to NOCTI guidelines.
  • - Coordinating ordering, test administration, and providing reports and certificates to stakeholders, as needed. 

Multiple Campuses/Locations:

  • - If you are managing multiple sites or campuses, please contact NOCTI at or 800-334-6283 to discuss account set up. 

Note!  The email addresses used to complete this form cannot be adjusted during the submission process.  Please verify email addresses are correct before submitting to avoid having to complete a new agreement.  

*mandatory fields

Site Coordinator Details- Please enter the information below for the person becoming the Site Coordinator

Administrator must be authorized to enter into an agreement with NOCTI to create an account and to approve the designated Site Coordinator