$170 - Contract with dancer - v.1.11 - 170
$170 - Contract with dancer - v.1.11 - 170
mandatory fields
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email Address
First and last name of a DANCER
contract signer phone number (yours)
How do you know about us
dancer's age
dancer's Date of Birth
Adress ( street, home , appt)
contract end date
Emergency Contact first and last name
Emergency Contact adress (street, home, appt)
Emergency contact: city
Emergency contact: State
Emergency contact: ZIP
Emergency contact: cellphone
(Health) Any special medical conditions, we should know about
Bank account owner name (for payments)
ACCOUNT NUMBER for payments (will be musked)
ROUTING NUMBER for payments (will be musked)
Dancer Instagram (if you want to add)
Parent Instagram (if you want to add)
Dancer TikTok (if you want to add)
parent TikTok (if you want to add)
Dancer Facebook (if you want to add)
Parent Facebook (if you want to add)